N.EX.T – The Return Of N.EX.T Part III – 개한민국

넥스트 (N.EX.T) – 5집 The Return Of N.EX.T Part III : 대한민국
Release Date: 2004.06.16
Genre: Rock

1. 現世地獄
2. 개한민국 (Clean Ver.)
3. 감염 Infested
4. Ssaving Private Jesus
5. ’80’s Series 01′ Ghost Network
6. Dear American (Clean Ver.)
7. Generation Crush (Tired Mix)
8. 서울역 Seoul Station (Frat Mix)

1. Satan’s Bride (Full Bet Mix)
2. Growing Up
3. ’80’s Series 02′ Laura
4. Am Ssang
5. 아들아, 정치만은 하지마
6. Devin’s Boogie (Live)
7. Satan’s Bride (Royal Alert Mix)
8. 힘을 내!
9. 남태평양 South Pacific

MP3 320Kbps


FLAC 16B-44.1kHz

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