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LABOUM – Two Of Us

라붐 (LABOUM) – Two Of Us Released: 2019.09.19 Genre: Ballad, Dance, R&B/Soul TRACK LIST: 1. Intro 2. Firework 3. You’re the Light 4. Satellite 5. Stay There 6. Two of Us 7. Actually, This Is a Secret

SATURDAY – The 3rd Single Album ‘IKYK’

세러데이 (SATURDAY) – The 3rd Single Album ‘IKYK’ Released: 20190919 Genre: Dance TRACK LIST: 1. 뿅 (BByong) 2. 뿅 (BByong) (Inst.) Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES MATCH AAC M4A . . FLAC 16B-44.1kHz

DREAMCATCHER – Raid of Dream – EP

드림캐쳐 – Raid of Dream – EP Released: 2019.09.18 Genre: Ballad, Dance TRACK LIST: 1. Intro 2. 데자부(Deja Vu) 3. 거미의 저주(The curse of the Spider) 4. Silent Night 5. 북극성(Polaris) Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES

PUNCH – Sometimes – Single

펀치 (Punch) – 가끔 이러다 – Single Released: 20190918 Genre: R&B / Soul TRACK LIST: 1. 가끔 이러다 2. 가끔 이러다 (Inst.) Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . . ITUNES MATCH AAC M4A . . . FLAC .


TEEN TEEN – VERY, ON TOP – EP Released: 20190918 Genre: Dance, Electronic TRACK LIST: 1. On Top (Intro) 2. 책임져요 3. Be My Girl 4. With Me 5. Stay Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES PLUS


정동하 – SKETCH – EP Released: 20190917 Genre: Ballad TRACK LIST: 1. 이별을 노래로 만들어 보았습니다 (What Is Love) 2. 밤이 두려워진 건 (Waiting To Shine) 3. 그게 너였어 (My Heart Is You) 4. It’s You 5.

Various Artists – QueenDom Part. 1

Various Artists – 퀸덤 Part. 1 Released: 20190913 Genre: Dance TRACK LIST: 1. Good Luck – 마마무(Mamamoo) 2. 너나 해 (Egotistic) – AOA 3. 한(-) (Feat. 치타) – 박봄 (Park Bom) Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES


キム・ヒョンジュン – THIS IS LOVE – EP Released: September 11, 2019 Genre: J-Pop TRACK LIST: 1. THIS IS LOVE 2. BEYOND CRAZY 3. I’m a Million 4. LOVE SONG -Japanese version- Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . .

SF9 – RPM -Japanese ver.- – Single

SF9 – RPM -Japanese ver.- – Single Released: 2019.09.11 Genre: J-Pop TRACK LIST: 1. RPM -Japanese ver.- 2. Round And Round -Japanese ver.- 3. Echo -Japanese ver.- Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES MATCH AAC M4A .

BOL4 – Two Five – EP

볼빨간사춘기 (BOL4) – Two Five – EP Released: 20190910 Genre: Rock TRACK LIST: 1. 워커홀릭 (Workaholic) 2. 25 3. XX 4. Taste 5. 낮 (Day off) 6. XX (Acoustic Ver.) Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K . . ITUNES PLUS


FTISLAND (FT아일랜드) – ZAPPING Released: 2019.09.09 Genre: 댄스/팝 TRACK LIST: 01. 관둬 (Quit) 02. 다시 바래 (Hope Again) 03. 못 고치나 봐 (Day By Day) 04. 신기루 (사랑사랑사랑2) (No Regret) 05. Don’t Lose Yourself Password: hulkpop.com MP3-320K

IM CHANG JUNG – Never Ending

Im Chang Jung – 십삼월 Released: 20190906 Genre: K-Pop TRACK LIST: 1. All My Life 2. Love Letter 3. Dear You 4. Empty 5. May Be 6. Stranger 7. Last Summer 8. Moon Blue 9. September Song

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